Quick Progress Timeline

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Day 24/2.0 - Weigh in #4

This week I weighed in at:

12st 6.8lbs





Considering that last week I was 12st 7lbs, it sounds like I've lost a whole pound.  But in fact, I've lost 0.2lbs.  Basically it's nothing, which is weird and mildly frustrating.  It's been a month since I've been on this journey and I've only lost 1.6lbs - can you see why I'm so annoyed?

This time round, things really are slow.  I have not yet missed a run, I watch my portion sizes and I've been pretty good to myself since.  I hold my hands up to not being 100% with the calories but surely a bit more progress should be showing up on the scales, right?

Tomorrow I will be starting week three of Couch to 5k and I'm nervous because the runs are doubling in duration so I'm now running at 3 minute intervals as opposed to 90 seconds.  I know it doesn't sound a lot, but it really does scare me.  The run in total is almost half an hour rather than my usual 20 minutes, which means I definitely cannot be late to my runs, in fact I should probably try and go earlier.  I don't know if I can do it but I just have to, I really need to.

This week I must tighten on my calories and really watch what I do.  I want to lose a solid pound or two this week because I'm starting to worry and I'm beginning to feel hopeless.  I really cannot be counting every single calorie like a mad woman but I need to remember that everything adds up.  With that said, I need to go to bed.  Tomorrow is another day and I am going to work hard.

Good night!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Day 16/2.0 - The wrong weight

It's been a grand total of 16 days and I know I have not yet weighed in.  I am completely honest when I say that it's because I've just been too busy and I put it off until the second week, although of course I am two days late!  Either way, the show must go on...!

When I began 2.0 I was 12st 4.8lb...or... 172.8lbs ....or... 78.3kg.

This week I weigh in at ...

12 St 7lbs! 






Like how I am catering for all my readers there?  Even the short sighted!

Before I even talk about how that is such a failure... there is something I missed out.  On day 2 I actually weighed myself again and I was suddenly 12st 8.4lbs.  I then weighed again on day 3 and it was still the same, as well as day 4.  So to confirm that actually I must have read the scales wrong.  How embarrassing.

I'm going to start this thing all again and above are the new measurements (yes, I weighed myself four times in different areas of the house just to make sure).

So by that token, in these two weeks I've managed to lose a pound or so and in theory that's not OK.  It's the smallest amount of weight I've ever lost at the beginning of any diet I've ever done - perhaps this is a good sign?

Reviewing back on the last two weeks, I know why I haven't lost a significant amount of weight and I'm completely at ease with it.  The first week I allowed myself to cook again, look at my nutrition intake and got the ball rolling.  I didn't want any pressure on myself so I didn't overwhelm myself.

Overwhelmed I wasn't, and on the second week I was happy to look at my portion size and start taking calories into consideration.  Again, I haven't been too anal about this whole calorie thing but I know what are my guidelines and my limits.  That's why the first week I would have lost 0 and this week I have lost a pound! 

On week three, I will be continuing calorie counting as well as keeping on with my running and therefore hoping to reap another pound or two off of this body!

On the exercise front, things are going fabulously.  I have completed my first week of Couch to 5k which means I have run three times now!  I run on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays before work and even though I have to wake up at the crack of dawn, it really helps to make the most out of my day.
I was really quite worried and nervous on my first week but I think I've learned to re-love running especially as this time round it's structured, less painful and I'm doing it alone.  A lot of people prefer to have running buddies and I did love having my Sister with me, but I love it equally alone because it gives me time to reflect and it keeps me strong and independent in the process so I know if someone gives me up, I won't feel like I should follow suit.

I really enjoy running in the morning; the mornings are peaceful and bright.  I love the park that I go to because I have a lot of nice memories there and it feels really safe and friendly.  I love running past all the happy dog lovers, the puppies and the babies; I even love being taken over by other runners because it keeps me going.  IMG_3207 IMG_3211 Above are pictures of the park I run at...isn't it beautiful?

The third time I completed the run I felt stronger and I know that I ran a further distance than I had previously.  I'm also quite proud that I didn't give up even though I felt exhausted.  In the end?  The day was energetic and positive.

Wish me luck for the coming week and good luck to you all,


Sunday, 12 June 2011

Day 13/2.0 - Keep on moving, don't stop, no...!

counting-calories-to-lose-weight1  It's a fact, to me, that counting calories is probably one of the most hardest things to do on a 'diet regime'. 
With some diets all you have to do is only eat things that are green or pink, then some you look up a book to see how many points it's 'worth' and with others there's liquidating everything that passes through your gob.  There's not too much thinking involved, where as calorie counting (at least at the beginning) can sometimes be so overwhelming and at times, impossible.  A lot of the times it's really called 'calorie estimating' and that's only OK if you know your calories well...and if you eat the same things day in and day out.   Calorie counting can really bug my brain, but I know it works so I better shut up and keep on moving...

It's technically been two days (excluding today) since I started counting these calories and I have already met a lot of obstacles.  It's the same story about being surrounded by those who are not watching what they eat... and that story about going out to socialise always involving calorific food and completely misjudged choices.  I went out for Japanese food last night and while I know I could have done a lot worse, it wasn't my greatest triumph; nonetheless I know that's not this week's biggest problem.  Tonight I will be at a steak house (with vegetarian options) and I can smell the fat in the air already.  Oh Lord, please have mercy upon my hips.

Today is Day 2 of Couch to 5k and while I'm excited to complete my second day, I'm nervous about getting to work on time and looking a complete sweaty, delirious mess.  The really daft thing is that my body is not recovering fast enough and I'm aching as if I did the run just yesterday evening.... maybe it's old age! 

Whatever the obstacles are, one must face them head on and know they are the fact of life.  Just like how calorie counting is a bitch.  And how not doing it could leave me another year as fat as the year before (or fatter).

Have a good day everyone,


Friday, 10 June 2011

The Super Porridge

This is a secret recipe, so please, handle it with care.  It's something you can learn to love because, yes, it is slightly grey and strange, but it's a morning punch in the face full of good fats, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, fibre and only about 260 calories!  This idea or recipe was passed onto me by a clever colleague, who at the ripe age of 55, swears by this morning meal and by looking at his healthy face, I really believe him.  Here it is and really, it's porridge, but it's amazing.


You will need for 1 serving:

*measurements are all approximations, measured as best as I could achieve

  • 25g of organic oats (approx. 3 tablespoons)
  • 1 tsp of ground black sesame
  • 1 tsp of ground almonds
  • 1 tsp of ground rye flakes
  • 1 tsp ground linseed/flaxseed
  • 1 tsp of ground walnuts
  • 150ml of water
  • 40ml of Oatly Organic Milk (optional, you can use other milks but bare in mind of calorie content)
  • 26 grams of natural dates (not sweetened, approx. 4pcs)
  • 10g of goji berries
  • 1 tbs of maple syrup


  1. Add all dry ingredients together in a saucepan, then add in water.
  2. Allow to cook on medium heat until oats are soft and mixture is creamy.  If you add the dates and goji berries earlier with the dry ingredients you'll find you'll add in less maple syrup as the natural sugars fuse in with the porridge!
  3. Add in maple syrup at the end and stir, then serve.

The reason why this combination is so great in the morning is because it's low calorie but really filling.  If you find this isn't enough, you can even have toast with this, or fruit or even a yoghurt. 


Black sesame is extremely high in calcium and I've found by eating this five out of the seven days in the week, my nails have become really shiny and smooth, as if I've buffed them with a nail buffer! 
The linseeds are high in omega-3s (higher than those found in nasty fish oils), fatty acids, and antioxidants. 
The goji berries are extremely high in vitamin A which really helps with our eye sight.  Where I come from, goji berries are frequently featured in our dinners and it's only now that I've come to use them myself at breakfast! 

There are so many goodies in this porridge and you can really mix this up, but this is what I eat and I guess it's subject to change!
Other things you might want to think about changing up or adding, would be ground brazil nuts for selenium, raisins instead of dates, soya milk if you want it creamier and to add in more protein and omega, and/or natural raw cocoa powder for a delicious antioxidant hum. 

Again, I know it's just porridge, but if you want to change up your high calorie and boring porridge to something skinny and nutritionally dazzling then give this a try!

Tell me how it goes for you, and good luck!


Day 11 of 2.0

Good morning everyone!

I am in extremely high spirits today...!  Yesterday I posted a quick video blog to voice my concerns about my exercise and how I feel like I need to start running again.  The reason why I did this was because it had been apparent to me how 'badly' I was doing at this weight loss thing over the last two days and it was starting to really bug me.  It bugged me in such a way that I was beginning to feel really insecure about my body image and this is a familiar feeling that creeps up on me every time I get to about this weight.  This is also a good feeling because I know when this happens, I start to lose weight again, at least temporarily.

However, this time at 2.0, I'm really going to give it a good thrusty stab and I will make sure I get to goal this time round.  I'm going through all the things I did last time (that I know worked) and giving it a go again.  So that means:

  • I'm calorie counting once again, using Calorie Count's Website and also the Andriod App.  I'm going to log in my foods when I can and if I can't I will write them down in a book that I shall take to work. 
    • As before I am giving myself a quota of 1200kcal a day.  This is recommended for my height and build as well as lifestyle, so when setting your quota, do not forget to find out what is best for you.
    • I shall drink 2l of water a day, period.
    • I am living on a mostly plant based diet and shall not be too anal.  I love that word.
    • I will analyse and monitor my nutrition levels
  • I am going to try and run three times a week.  It's going to be a rough ride with exercise to begin with but hopefully I will find something I enjoy and can fit into my schedule.
  • Sleeping is the key to successful weight loss as it helps with recovery and energy so I will try my utmost hardest to sleep between 7-8 hours a day.
  • ** Allowing time, minimum once a week, to review the diet and to write in this blog or make a video blog. 

That is it for now and I really hope I won't wonder too far from this plan because I think it's quite sound.  I'm going to go for my run later (possibly a few hours after lunch) and when I have sorted all of the things I need for this weight loss plan to work.

**I really do love day offs.  Which reminds me that a part of this plan really should have a guild line where I must allow myself time to be alone, sit and review this diet (as I am now) and refocus.  Yes, amended.

I am now going to doing other weight loss related things, stay tuned for an upcoming post about my Super Porridge recipe and everything about it!

Lots of love,


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Day 2 of 2.0

Do you know what I love about having days like today?  It's almost all about me.  I know it sounds selfish but I really do think everyone needs to give themselves a lot of care and attention.  I almost always forget about my needs and that is why my diet goes out the window and that is why every few months I have a small breakdown and I end up feeling depressed.

The sun was beautiful today and it was a perfect wake up call to food shopping and spending time with the family.  I didn't manage to eat my healthy breakfast because my lie in turned into more sleep!  I was in trouble because they all wanted to have the cheap 99p fry up at Ikea before shopping and so when I got there I was nervous to say the least.  In the end I chose to eat a brown bread roll, with some marinated swedish fish thing... I know what you're thinking too.  I did my best and that's all I have to say about that nasty slip up!  The good thing is that I said no to hash browns (which is almost unheard of for me) and no to milk in my earl grey!

Anyhow after buying lots of nice lovely things (including a new beautiful aubergine purple throw for my bed and little preserving jars) and stocking up the now bursting fridge full of healthy goodies, I continued the day with lots of cleaning and organising.  Tomorrow I will continue to tidy up and see my Godmother for her birthday dinner - it's vietnamese and I think I won't have too much trouble!

The last thing I have to report is something quite special. 

I remember when I was really into the whole vegan routine I was constantly happy, content, calm and I was always drifting about in this sense of strange euphoria.  I loved it and it's what I've been searching for since eating my horrible diet recently has made me quite stressed out.  Today I watched lots of new videos that I have missed out on Heather's HealthyVegan Youtube channel and I started to get that feeling again!  Perhaps it's contagious but I know for sure now that I am much happier vegan and when I am, I no longer have that horrid guilt when I'm eating and there is no anxiety related to what I'm consuming.  I even learned how to make my own rice and oat milk in which I will try once I finish all the ones in the fridge. 

I have to say, things are looking up.

I'm going to bed quite pleased tonight, I know tomorrow I will be even more focussed.  I am visiting a korean supermarket tomorrow so maybe I can stock up on some interesting things for my kitchen!

Good night!