Quick Progress Timeline

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Goal without a Plan is just a wish...

Recently I've been thinking about my next move in life whilst trying to get on with this strange phase I'm in and it occurred to me that everything seems to be a bit of a haze.  I know where I want to go but I am just at lost of what I want to do.  My motivation for it is also dwindling and I'm left really wanting to make things happen without knowing how.

I've recently finished university and having got my 2:1 BA Hons degree and said goodbye to education for good, I'm left finding my next stepping stone with great difficulty.  The only problem is is that they're everywhere and I don't know which one to step on because it either might fall through or I'll end up on the wrong path.  I keep worrying about it and whether to take this next leap of faith.  I want to believe in myself but I'm constantly worried about failure.  What if I work towards something and it goes wrong?  Would I have wasted time?  Would I be less of a daughter?  Will I be poor for the rest of my life? 

After much headache and restless nights I've finally come to the conclusion that if I just go through the motions and keep on where I am, wondering about 'what ifs' then I'm never going to get anywhere.  I want to be a bridal make up artist and I want to be slim.  If I can achieve those two things in this year then I will have done well.

I'm off to write my plan for the next year and we will see what happens.  As that horoscope says,. I'm freakishly optimistic all the time...sometimes to my detriment... all I know is that if I'm going in the right direction, I should really just keep going...


Good luck to you all!


Thursday, 7 April 2011

Starting on a clean slate

The most wonderful thing about 'failing' is being able to start again and really going for it.  Not long ago I read up about my star sign and apparently being a Sagittarius makes me impossibly optimistic and determined, which is probably why I've been in the weight loss game so long and have not yet succeeded and kept persisting.  I've been trying for over 10 years now... I'm sure at one point I will succeed, right?


This morning I am cleaning and giving myself this day to re-structure my life and do the things I want.  I have made it a priority to have Thursdays to myself (at least the evenings) and therefore I will start my weekend the moment I finish work on a Tuesday.  This way I shall have time to refocus if I fall off the wagon and make sure I start the next week even better than the last.

I am about to start cleaning and when I'm done, I shall be living in a clean and tidy house, eating healthily and making money.  Look who's laughing now!  Me!

Hope you all have a nice clean day!


The Slimming Strategy 2.0

Welcome back everyone, I hope you have all been doing well and been keeping your lives in healthy order!  I know that I have been away for a long time now and I completely fell off track, leaving a lot of my readers behind and I just somehow lost it all.  From what I remember, I started to lose control of my life due to the sheer amount I had on my plate and began lapsing back into my old habits.  The truth is is that I had kept the weight off all the way up to the wedding and I wasn't over the moon but I was content.  Since then I have been to Hong Kong and now I'm back, having put on a few pounds from the holiday.

It really is amazing what over-indulgence can do to you!  Having spent countless weeks ingesting naughty things one after another, constantly, I am now left feeling bloated, fat and really 'ugly'.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed my holiday and wouldn't change a thing but now it's really time to sort myself out.  I've forgotten my clean vegan way and have been enjoying too much dairy and too much seafood (it really was too hard to be a vegan in Hong Kong).  As a result, my period was completely off track this month, my skin has broken out and my face is noticeably  'rounder'. 

Enough is enough!  I call for The Slimming Strategy 2.0 where I am going to try again (is this the 100th attempt or what?) to pull this weight off.  This time round I hope to lose the weight off successfully but not be too anal about everything.  I want control but I do not want to become obsessed.  This time round I will give more time to myself and focus on me; giving time to my love life, my career and most of all my health.

I shall be back in the morning with a post of my plan for 2.0. 

Good night! 
